So, here we are at the end of another year. It’s gone too quick. It doesn’t seem real that I have been home from work for almost 12 months following redundancy, and what have I achieved in that time? Nothing and yet lots. A big family wedding, a successful Walk for George and George making great progress, and following in artistic footsteps, two lovely trips abroad, read some great books, editing and proofing work coming in.

Yet, as an author, it’s scary to think I haven’t written one word of a novel although I have spent many hours editing and checking several works. Back last January I started writing a new novel with plans to do a lot of research and visiting the places I use in the book, but none of that has happened. Not because I didn’t want to, but last Christmas after my husband’s car let us down very badly on Christmas Eve, leaving us stuck in the perishing cold and snow on the M4, we decided to trade both his and mine in for another as we don’t need two cars now I am at home all day.

But my time home hasn’t been idle. I began blogging. If nothing else it has kept me writing and now I am ready to pick up the novels again and ensure that 2012 is the year hopefully I am published and in print.

I also met the lovely Linn B Halton, and helped her get loveahappyending.com up and running and editing Kit’s Corner and through the group, have made lots of new friends and colleagues who share the same passion for writing and books.

And for the first time in eight years I was able to host the writing group I belong to (the Ivy Writers) at my home. We meet one evening a month in one another’s home. Whilst I was working and with my husband working late shifts it was impossible for me to host this. Instead of meeting of an evening, we were able to meet of an afternoon.

I had planned to paint more pictures with so much free time, but that hasn’t materialised either. But I have been able to sell several, one before the paint even had time to dry! I had been offered a place at an exhibition but had to decline as I could not get to the venue on the required dates to deliver and collect.

So, what will 2012 bring? A hard, difficult few months ahead, that’s for sure. In a fortnight’s time my husband goes into hospital for a hip replacement, which isn’t as straightforward as it sounds as he has a spinal problem. The equipment needed at home to help in his rehabilitation and recuperation has been installed: the toilet seat has been raised and a frame around it so he can lower and raise himself properly.  I have to use this too and feel like a little schoolgirl again as my feet don’t touch the floor when sitting on this. His armchair has been raised on blocks, the walking sticks and knicker-puller-on tool, his gadget for pulling on his socks and a very long shoe horn delivered.  He won’t be able to drive for at least 8 weeks and it will be probably 3 months before he will be able to return to work.  So all in all, a good thing I am at home all day to help him. We will have lots of laughs and no doubt a few frayed tempers and tears, his and mine. But we will manage. And hopefully, once he is back in his workboots, out of pain and fit again, we will see our garden blossom even if it is me having to do all the backbreaking planting.

In 2012 I have the opportunity to exhibit art at two venues and, with many fingers crossed, will see my novel Every Step of the Way finally published. There’s a new birth imminent in the family which will bring much joy to all of us, a summer holiday already booked and no doubt a trip to Spain to visit my brother and his wife. And one or two other irons in the fire that need a bit of prodding to mould into what I know will be a great, happy and successful year. One I am looking forward to as I raise a glass to the midnight chimes and fireworks and say:

“HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS                                                AND WISH YOU ALL A SUCCESSFUL YEAR TOO!”

27 thoughts

  1. Kit – it’s surprising how life ends up working out one way or the other. Although this year will be hard for you and your husband, it’s wonderful that you can be there for him. That’s really the most important part. You are a wonderful woman and I wish you all the best. I’ll be thinking about you.


  2. The early part of 2012 is full of challenges for you. My fingers are crossed that all goes well with your husband’s hip replacement.
    You mentioned feeling like a little girl when you use the loo with the special seat on it because your feet don’t touch the floor. Just think of it as your throne and you and your hubby and the Queen and King of your palace.
    Sending loads of positive vibes your way for a wonderful 2012.


  3. A year passed, a new arrived, and with it, new challenges, hopes, dreams, fears and potentials. The only certainty is that you and your husband possess the strength and creativity of spirit to make art from adversity. Happy New Year! Keep us posted about your husband’s progress. And tell him, our hearts are with him.


  4. Really enjoyed reading your post, Kit. You’ve had a busy year with another one to come. I look forward to seeing Every Step of the Way on the shelves as I know what a cracker of a story it is.

    Hope Dave’s op goes well and his recuperation is not too stressful for you both. Sounds like you’re well prepared.

    Happy New Year, my friend, and I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for. x


    1. Thanks, Tricia. Wouldn’t have got this far or still be writing without your help and support and most of all friendship for the past X (we won’t say how many) years. Have a fab evening and wishing you every success in 2012. Together we can do it!


  5. Kit, if anyone deserves a HAPPY NEW YEAR – that would be you! I am glad to see 2011 go, move forward into 2012, and discover all it has to offer, but I also hold dear the memories and wonderful friendships made in 2011 that will carry on much much further than 2012. So glad I had the chance to meet you.


  6. Hi Kit, Life has a habit of mixing up well laid plans but you sound like you roll with it all. I know how time can get by without writing. After publishing I went a whole year without writing a word. And my first book took eight years and triple that in rewrites. My sister-in-law who also writes said that at least it was published and that is unusual for a first book but then by the time it was published it wasn’t the first book. I’d re-written it so many times it was more like the 7th or 8th book. 🙂

    I just laid out 2012 goals last night. I work with accountability partners and find that works really well for me.

    Thank you for all the work you’ve done with Love A Happy Ending. I’ve sort of fallen down on my end the past couple of weeks. First the holiday and then a cold.


    1. Hi Lavada. Do hope you are feeling better. That’s the trouble with life when you are a writer – life often gets in the way. Great to see you here and hope 2012 will be good for you too and you reach all your goals. Every Step was written over 6 years ago, and has had several false starts but 2012 will finally see its release along with others written before and since. Always busy. Enjoy the evening!


  7. What a year it’s been for you Kit – it seems that 2011 ran you off your feet just when you thought you might have a quiet time at home! Sending my best wishes for your o/h hip operation and that he will recover quicky and soon reap the benefits. Sounds like you have a lot to look forward to in 2012 and I for one am looking forward very much to catching up with you in person at the Loveahappyending Summer Event in June. I can’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve been to me this year professionally and how wonderful it is to have you as a friend. Happy New Year to you and yours, Kit – and lang may yur lum reek! xx


    1. Thanks, Janice. It’s certainly been an interesting year the way it has panned out, nothing at all like I imagined. Hope the book sales are going well and most of all, that you are enjoying it. Looking forward to a real hug in June, meanwhile a cyber one on it’s way to you. Enjoy Hogmanay.


  8. Well, what a year you are wrapping up – and what a year ahead! It’s been a great pleasure to have known you throughout a year that has had some tremendous moments…. A hop operation isn’t a nice thing to face though, but nurse Kit will restore order and if the patient does as he’s told he’ll do well! I hope 2012 finds some painting time for you too Kit, but from what I know about you…. well, every second will be packed! Thanks so much for your friendship, it means a lot! Lxx


    1. Aaawww, thank you, Linn. The feeling is mutual. You’ve kept me focused when it would have been all too easy to fall into idleness. If the patient doesn’t do as he’s told, his sticks are being removed and hidden, or else used as a weapon over his head. Seriously, though, he will be okay. He knows he’s got to get through this for the benefits at the other end. You’ve had a hectic and rough year yourself but despite it all you come up smiling, like me. 2012 isn’t going to know what’s hit from you and me, both.
      A big hug from me


  9. Sounds like 2011 was a lovely year for you, even though not what you planned. It is strange isn’t it how those novels never get finished when you originally thought, but life happens. I am so sorry that your husband is facing hip replacement surgery. I know the recovery from that can be long and painful, but try to keep laughing, or kill off some characters in a novel or what ever lets you release some stress! Hope all else in 2012 goes perfect for you!


    1. Have enjoyed my year despite its frustrations but then, I always enjoy life and friends. Dave’s in for a rough time but we shall have a lot of giggles on the way, if I don’t kill him off first. Like all men, a lousy patient with no patience. Have told him if he doesn’t behave and do as his told I’ll take his sticks away (lol). Hope your 2012 will be great too. You deserve it!


  10. As always a lovely post and a year you have packed much in. The early months of the New Year sound difficult for you and I will be thinking of you both. Wishing you everything you wish for you and more. Thank you for being a supporter and a friend. Happy New Year. Hugs P xx


    1. Hi Pauline. It certainly doesn’t feel that I’ve done a lot this year but already my feet aren’t touching the ground with all that is planned for 2012. Glad to have you on board as a friend and supporter, too. Afraid I’ve only short arms so a cyber hug from me to you to. And if you’re partyign tonight, enjoy! See you in the new year, if you know what I mean.


  11. Hi Kit – this is a lovely, warm and very thoughtful post – just perfect for the end of the year. It inspired me to pay a visit to your website – and it was well worth the trip. Your artwork is gorgeous and I am enormously envious of your talent – if I attempted to draw a straight line I doubt anyone would guess what it was meant to be!
    I wish you all the very best for 2012 – I hope your husband comes through his op without too much trouble, and I hope you get back to your writing, which is obviously very important to you.
    Now – because I am impressed with your blogging endeavours and mightily ashamed of my own failings – I’m off to write a Hogmanay post for my blog – so thanks for the kickstart. Happy New Year when it comes!


  12. A Happy New Year, Kit!

    I hope that your husband’s operation goes well and that he’s soon up and about again, and that all of your 2012 projects turn out to be as much fun as they sound.

    Liz X


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