A Brighter Light

Posting today about that light at the end of the tunnel that’s getting closer and brighter on Over the Backyard Fence. Would love it if you stopped by and joined in the conversation and shared your thoughts.

And don’t forget, I’d love to hear from you if you’d like to write a post for Kit’s World on loving life or any aspect of writing/reading/publishing.

Over The Backyard Fence

The weather in England is a fickle thing. Two days ago, here in the West County we were shivering at minus 5 deg, the central heating turned up high, and outside in the garden the plants were blackened, laying prone and looking decidedly deceased. Then overnight, it all changed as we basked in temperatures over 12 degs, warm enough (almost) to sit outside and have our coffee. Today, although it started raining heavily at 5:30am, it is currently 13 degs, if overcast, and I’ve just turned the heating off for the day. The garden has recovered too. My hellebores are once again upright and looking fit, the pansies and other plants making a comeback. It feels that Spring has sprung.

All this is in sharp contrast to this day last year. It was the day Dave and I returned from our winter sun holiday. We’d enjoyed Spanish sun in temperatures…

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